Every now and a then there is trend that hits the blogoshere and I just can’t stop myself from jumping on the band wagon. There is something about Pom Pom Fringe that just hits me in the nostalgia department and makes me giddy. I think every little girl has some encounter with this trim and I can attest to a 2 year old’s fascination with it…as I watched Savannah wrap her dolls and toys in the scraps of fringe for days. It really has some magical power over both of us.
In my book there is really never too much of a good thing so I decked out my my living room top to bottom literally (my curtains are hung floor to ceiling – 96″ long) with Pom Pom Fringe!
Check it…

The whole process is super simple and you can do any fringe with this method. Here are a few other trim ideas i love!
greek key trim – another personal favorite
What you need:
- a sewing machine
- curtains – just get these from Ikea. They come in a variety of lengths/colors and are easy to re-construct and size down to your windows. And they are dirt cheap….seriously dirt cheap; $24.99 for a 2 pack of 57″w x 96″l curtains! Amazeballs.
- fringe of choice
- thread that matches your trim
**Size drapes to window – hem where needed, pin fringe and sew. That’s it people!
**The Pom Pom fringe does have a give to it and it is slippery when sewing. So pinning down was key for this project.
**And if you don’t know how to sew, go for a no sew method. Use stitch witchery; cut and iron!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the Pom Pom Curtains as much as I do!!!