Ok…I am so jazzed at how the Laundry Room Makeover is going and I am dying to share a quick update on the progress! A few weeks ago I {posted} about some recent inspiration i had found and I’m happy to say things are turning out just as planned. I am slowly gaining a soothing, light and airy Laundry Room!
So here are some before and progress shots of the laundry room. I can’t wait to do a big reveal!

The bright yellow is gone and Moonshine Gray is up on the walls. Whoever said the color yellow is supposed to make you feel happy was cray cray. The below picture does not do the new color justice so I’ll get some better color corrected shots up soon!

Cabinets are freshly painted also…White Dove on top and Chelsea Gray on bottom. Many of the before shots show the cabinets with just primer on them. At the end of the post I have an image of what the original cabinets looked like. Just your basic builder grade light wood.

Check out the subway tile on the counter top! I can’t wait to get that installed…it’s gunna look Amazeballs! (the previous backslash was a 4″ strip of wood (you can see in the above before picture).

As you can see in the below shot I now have an open concept shelving. All thanks to my absentmindedness…and if you want to relish in my pain {read this post.}

But honestly i love the open shelves and with a few baskets for storage it will look fabulous!
So below you can see what the original cabinets looked like in the laundry room. Super old, plain jane wood and screaming for an upgrade!

I just can’t wait to share more. Tiling is about to begin!
Thanks for reading Friends!