I’m sad to say that July is over because here in Seattle that means we only have about 2 more months of fun in the sun! On a personal note this has been such an amazing July…Savannah has been such a doll and growing up so fast. She started preschool this month which has been a success, minus a few meltdowns…but her teachers are so awesome. And as hard as it is to admit it….I really do enjoy the 2 hours, 2 days a week all to myself. I thought I would DIY this whole block of time, but I made a promise to myself to have “mindless time” so I finally got this booty back in the gym!
Here is the most adorable shot of Savannah and Daddy on the first Day of school

We also had a really fun family trip to Remingler Farms (our local farm/mini amusement park) where we discovered that Savannah seriously loves carnival rides…ugh oh, I smell Disneyland in our future, I’m only going if they still sell those huge pickles!

and now back to the blog 🙂
Exciting Blog Things…
- After months and months of not having my RSS/email subscriptions work…because feed burner is so lame…I finally have things up and running thanks to Feedblitz! So if you are reading and haven’t signed up to follow…knock yourself out! look to the right and you’ll see where to enter your email!
- I survived my very first guest post at House of Hepworths…and made a lovely collage of My favorite Ikea Hack Ideas for a Malm Dresser
- From May to July the blog traffic has increased 400%. This is so exciting for me for 2 reasons…#1 It keeps me motivated to work hard on my DIY to do list and #2 seeing people coming back to read the blog is like a virtual high five/hug! So to all you lovely readers I sincerely want to thank you for sticking with this little blog!
Project Favorites:
Here is a quick recap of some of yours (and my) favorite projects this month!

{DIY} Dorothy Draper File Cabinet
Mini MudRoom and Garage Glam Stairs
{DIY} Reclaimed Wood Vanity Mirror
And Deets for August:
Finish the Fence – For reals this time…the fence is basically complete I just need to post about it!
Get my molding On – I’m gunna Crown the heck out of this house!
Jump start The Den Project and if I make it out alive, I promise to post all about it!
Get my Tile On – Plans to upgrade our Living Room Fire Place
More progress on our Garage Dreamin’ project!
so basically you’ll be seeing lots of power tools this month! Why am I so excited about this!